Connect. Recruit. Hire.

Unlock your company's potential with the most skilled professionals in your industry

Find Exceptional Candidates to Fuel Your Success

We establish strategic partnerships with a select group of clients to ensure our undivided attention, concentration, and dedication towards sourcing top-tier candidates for every role. Our extensive client base extends across the United States, where we have cultivated extensive networks specializing in the following sectors:

Our Approach

Experience the Difference

We help our clients navigate the complex terrain of their industry with ease. By sourcing, analyzing, and distilling market information, we create a clear and concise map of the landscape. Our data-driven, analytical research reports provide insightful and actionable information, helping our clients make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.


Never Miss An Opportunity

Partnering with us means that you can focus on what you do best – running your business. Our team of experienced recruiters uses the latest technology and techniques to source, screen, and uncover passive talent.

Our Values


We champion every day both internally and externally to recognize and reward talent for their skills and results. Our entire organization is recognized for their hard work and no shortcuts are ever taken.


We exclusively hire and grow team members internally that want to be at the top 1% of their industry. We expect no different from the candidates we partner with externally.


We embrace adversity with open arms. Our team strives to redefine industry standards and are prepared to accept any challenges we may cross.

Our Leadership

Jordan Hill


Jay Bevacqua


Ashton Morlote



Demonstrated loyalty and best interest of client and candidates.

At Solaris Search Partners, our relentless pursuit is to deliver unparalleled staffing solutions and connect our clients with the industry’s most exceptional professionals. With a steadfast commitment to our mission, we aim to foster the progress of our clients by facilitating a seamless recruitment process for both our valued clients and talented candidates.